Update Us

    Full Name (required)

    Company Name/Address (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Update Contact Information

    Update Company Details (e.g. New Products/Departments, Planned Expansions, etc.)

    Update Machinery/Technology Used

    Update Hiring Requirements (eg. Job Titles, Skill Requirements, etc.)

    How can we help you? Send us a message.

    Enter the code in the field below:



    To ensure that we continue to meet your hiring needs, please use the update form to tell us about any changes in your company, planned expansions/growth opportunities, downsizing (we have helped organizations with relocating staff) or new recruiting requirements.

    If you have a new job vacancy or want to talk to a Woodtech representative about upcoming organizational changes and hiring needs, please complete the update form outlining the details of your request.

    A representative will contact you immediately to review your request and determine how we can help meet your recruitment needs.

    We look forward to staying connected with you about your recruiting needs both current and future.

    If you have a specific job that you would like us to recruit for, please click the Post a Job link and attach your job description or enter the information on the form provided.